City of London School for Girls’ Giving Week



    Early bird: 50 donors giving before 12/6

£2,000 will be unlocked when we reach 50 supporters!

321 donors

    First 100 gifts

£1,000 will be unlocked when we reach 100 supporters!

321 donors

    First 250 gifts

£2,000 will be unlocked when we reach 250 supporters!

321 donors

    20 Young donors (under 35) challenge

If 20 (or more) current students or alumnae who have left City since 2007 make a gift, we will unlock £500!

23 donors
  • 20 Carmelite Street alumnae

If 20 (or more) alumnae who studied at Carmelite Street make a gift, we will unlock £500!

9 donors
  • 20 overseas donors

If 20 global supporters make a gift, we will unlock £500!

6 donors
Challenge Description
Amount Unlocked
Dress up Day Challenge
Can we raise £500 on a non-uniform day of historical hysterical costumes from 1894 to the present?
Music Marathon Challenge
Can we entertain our community with a day full of joyful music-making in the MOAT?
'Row' to France challenge
CLSG students vs. staff/parents - can both teams row (virtually) to France over lunch? And who will win the race?
Channel Swim challenge 1
Can our community collectively swim the Channel in the CLSG pool? The CLSG Friends will make a generous gift to Giving Week if we can complete this challenge!
Channel Swim challenge 2
Can we show that Giving Week is a true community effort? The CLSG Friends will make a generous gift to Giving Week if more than 50 swimmers take part!
Tap and Donate challenge
Can we show that all gifts matter to City? If we receive 100+ gifts on our new contactless donation machine, our Head of Development, Kate Eberwein, will make a gift.
Vintage Sale Challenge
The Senior Committee need you! Can we keep clothes from landfill and raise funds for Giving Week at the same time?
Staff Karaoke Challenge
Can 10 (or more) staff showcase their talent during Giving Week?
Staff Participation Challenge
If 30 or more staff take part in Giving Week challenge activities, our Headmistress, Jenny Brown, will make a generous donation!